MODULE 1: 5 Points to Human Desire
Learn this and always sell in your writing with ease
How do the big brands cater to their audiences and how can you utilize some of these strategies in your content system?
What are we as humans looking for in content?
What makes us take action?
What makes us move on?
Everything Comes Down to How your Audience is Perceiving Your Content
Understanding these points will help you when you are crafting your content.
I like to look at what the biggest brands are doing and then micro-adapt those strategies to what you can do for your 1 person brand or small business.
If you get good at building these points into your content, products, and brand you will not just grow your brand but solve real problems your audience is having.
They will be grateful for this and continue to support you over time. What you want to remember here is you are your brand. Your content is a reflection of you and your brand.
If your content is not targeted then you can expect your audience to not be targeted. What will this mean?
This simply means you will have a harder time gā¦